Originally Posted By: Drew Hause
jOe: I know how much thinkin' hurts, but try to follow the dots

I'm willy willy good at following da dOts Doc....

....dOc sAid he knows when eYe think it huts....

.....that's his nice Christian way of say'n he thinks I'm a heAthen reee...tard....

.......Dr.Drew loves his Damascus.....

....dOc loves to talk and dream about Damascus....

....Dr. Drew told me he did nOt own or shoot any Damascus guns....

....dOc is a master on internet research and copy n pasting making dumb people think he discovered something....

....I bet ol'dOc has sore fingers from copy an pAst'n his internet ree'search.....

...dOc thinks that kicking and scream'n on the internet call'n folks liars is the proper Christian way and some how makes him look like the superior mOnkey....

....did I miss any dOtz dOc ?

....PS....dOc I wish you could see me when I paint be'twingst the lines.