Looking for something else & stumbled on this info about the family of Josef Jakob:


"79y 6m 6d
Son of Andreas and Magdalena Darfler Jakob
Gun maker
3222 Monument Avenue, 32nd Ward
Mrs Clara Kusel gave the information for the death certificate.
Was a gunmaker with a shop at 1157 Passyunk Avenue, Philadelphia. Birthplace listed as "Bohemia" and later Austria.
1913-08-11; Paper: Philadelphia Inquirer
"JAKOB - 8th inst., JOSEPH JAKOB, husband of the late Anna Jakob (nee Wittenwiler), aged 79. Relatives and friends, also Harmonie and Liederkranz Singing Societies, and all other societies of which he was a member, invited to services, Mon., 2 P. M., residence, 3222 Monument ave. (32d and Berks sts.). Interment private, Mt. Vernon."

Born in "Bohemia". Spoke German."

