Creation of NATO....1 million US troops in W. Europe and the A-bomb. It's not that Stalin didn't try by using W.European communist parties. The French communist party regularly polled 20%, Italians likewise; The Greeks fought a three year acharnique civil war....

I've written an English language dictionary of the Cold's up to 80 pages now. I may publish it at some point: A portion sample from "L":

Leningrad Affair - After WWII Stalin used Leningrad party chief Zhdanov to attack Beria’s prominence. However, when Zhdanov died suddenly in 1948, Beria purged his supporters.

Libertarian Marxism - Marx: Economic and philosophical schools which emphasized anti-authoritarian aspects of Marxism growing out of “Left Communism” in direct opposition to “Marxism-Leninism.” It rejects the need for a “revolutionary party” to intervene on behalf of the workers.

Libertarian Socialism - Anti-authoritarian political philosophies within the Socialist movement that rejects centralized state ownership and control of the economy.

Libertarianism - US: The core belief that the individual is the primary unit of a national government and that any organized government must be minimal to protect the rights of the individual

“L’Humanite” - French Communist Party newspaper.

Lick-Spittle - Communist insult used against anyone opposing the central Communist apparatus.

Lin Piao, General - ChiCom Chief of Staff in the 1960’s-70’s allied with Jiang Ching, Mao’s wife and here extreme left clique, the Gang of Four. One month after Mao’s September 1976 death, as the Gang of Four were being purged, Lin Piao tried to flee to the Soviet Union and was killed in a mysterious plane crash in Mongolia. He was then erased from Chinese history and became a non-person.

Lincoln Brigade - American volunteer progressive mercenary brigade on the side of the Spanish Republic during the Spanish Civil War 1935-39. Fighting in the Brigade became a Progressive bragging point See Orwell, George; Homage to Catalonia.

Little Green Book - Qadaffi’s sayings - waved at mass meetings in Libya copying Mao and is Little Red Book.

Little Red Book - Chinese - book of Mao’s saying which was required study for everyone in Mainland China during and after the Cultural Revolution. The book was waved Hitler salute style and innumerable parades and was adopted slavish style by American granola revolutionaries.

Liquidated - Communist term for those destroyed, erased, executed, killed or disappeared.

Lockerbie - 1988 bombing of Pan Am 103 airline over Scotland y Qaddafi of Libya.

Lon Nol - Cambodian general who overthrew Prince Norodom Sihanouk in 1970 and then issued an ultimatum for the North Vietnamese Army troops (NVA) to leave his country. This marked the formal entry of Cambodia into the 2nd Indochina War (Vietnam War).

London School of Economics - British elite university that essentially taught socialism for 50 years and contributed to the destruction of 50 economies by Socialist third worlders who studied there.

Long March - 1934-35 movement of Mao’s Communist force from south China to north China pursued by the Kuomintang of Chiang Kai Shek. 9,000 km. Enabled Mao Tse Tung to consolidate his power over the communist party of China.

Long Telegram - 1946: See “X Article” and “Clifford-Elsey Report”. It was authored by George Kennen and sent from the American consulate in Kiev, laying out the essence of Soviet Communism and laying the ground-work for the US policy of containment.

Lop Nur - Chinese nuclear test site in Sinjiang (Xienjiang) Province.

Baluch are not Brahui, Brahui are Baluch