The "goals" rocky mtn bill desires have been tried many times...

Right now, we see the typical results in Venezuela, which may soon become the first economy in history to experience one million percent inflation. Now that's sure gonna help the little guy.

I'm not sure what more Billy could possibly want from people who work for a living and earn more than him. He has demonstrated that he is a retired English teacher who cannot spell, and who cannot read and understand history. Yet he drew a paycheck and generous public employee benefits, and now gets a pension, Social Security, and Medicare. But he still whines about the greedy rich who already pay a much higher percentage of their earnings than he ever did.... even though they produce things and actually create the jobs that support his lifestyle and his incessant whining and bitching.

The big question is this... why does he pollute the double shotgun forum with his Socialist dogma and support for anti-gun Democrats, but hides that crap from his pals who inhabit the Classic and Custom Rifle forum?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.