Billy, I know where people get the idea that you are a Libtard. We get that idea directly from reading your posts.

I can't recall you ever once supporting a pro-gun Republican or Conservative anything. You have initiated threads such as "Republican Incompetence Caucus" and you are drawn like a rat to peanut butter when you see a chance to denigrate a Republican or Conservative.... just as you did here.

Like SKB, you claim to be fair and moderate, and willing to fairly judge both sides of an issue. But you frequently resort to outright lies in order to advance your Liberal dogma. And your Liberal bias is as evident as an erupting volcano.

It's interesting to see your disappointment with Drew and your apparent thoughts that Jesus would prefer Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton over Trump. I did not realize that Jesus supported things like late term abortion or selling parts of dead babies.

Some people may be foolish or dishonest enough to accept what you say. But I know we should not accept what you say. Rather, we should pay attention to what you do.

And the thing you do that galls me the most is thinking we should embrace you as a fellow gun enthusiast, when you repeatedly stab us in the back by supporting anti-gunners. But you Liberal Left Democrats believe your lies, so none of this means a thing to you.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.