John, I specifically asked anti-gun Billy to abstain from the crap he posted in the double shotgun forum. I only wanted to get shooters and gun owners to contact their Senators to support the confirmation of a pro-gun Supreme Court Justice. That's all. Billy doesn't care about polluting that sub-forum with his disdain for pro-2nd amendment Conservatives or his support for anti-gun Democrats. And neither does SKB.

It's all one website, and it would be great if gun guys could all stick to strictly firearms related discussions, and never had to deal with guys who undermine our rights to keep and bear arms. But the reality of the situation is that we have guys like Billy and SKB who continue to demonstrate a bias against those who protect our right to actually own guns. If they have their way, talking about them will be all we have left... until the anti-gunners decide to restrict that too.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.