Originally Posted By: canvasback
Tom, Im on my phone so will make this short. Politics aside, Ive spent a lot of time at Minaki and on the English River system. Great part of the world. Im originally from Winnipeg and family has cottages on Lake of the Woods. BTW many years ago when I was 11 and my brother was 12, went out in a little tin boat to catch some walleye for dinner. Came home with a 40 pound musky. The net didnt get past the gills. Lol

Canvasback. Great story. I love that area. My grandfather canoed that area for 7 weeks back in 1921 and then wrote a series of articles for the Northwest Ontario Sportsmans magazine some years later. They canoed from Hudson Bay post to Hudson Bay post and when their time ran out they sold their canoes and hopped the train back to Milwaukee. Great photos and story. It seems my grandfather, whom I never met because he died before I was born was an adventurous man. He took a number of trips like that. My grandmother described him to my wife many years ago as an Irishman that was a good lover but poor provider. That still makes me laugh.

Tom C

�There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot.�
Aldo Leopold