Actually, the DC1 and the DC12 are nearly identical with the exception of the trigger groups. Both guns have the same dual barrel hooks and rear locking lugs. I had the opportunity recently to look closely at a DC1 made in 1966 and compare it to my DC12. I did not know what I was looking at as the seller had ID’d it as a DC12. I sent pictures to Giacomo and he confirmed that the design of the two guns was basically the same with the exception of the triggers. The DC12 trigger group is based on the MX8, but is not identical because the hammers are slightly different owing to the SxS vs OU configuration. The DC1 predates the MX series since it came out in 1964 and was discontinued in 1972. This was confirmed in Carl Lippards book. Perazzi made 284 DC1s if my memory is correct. The DC1 I looked at has a slightly swamped game rib, but sported a target buttstock and BT forend. I assumed these were not original to the gun. The gun came up nicely but has short barrels, choked .18/.24.