I had a D grade 11 for a short period. It was a factory Skeet gun which had a Cutts compensator installed. They, Cutts, were every where at one time. Shot Skeet with it but no birds. Bought it because it had such pretty wood on it. But previous owner was so short he could run under a Shetland pony. LOP was 12 1/2” and even with thick pad it would be way to short for me. Sold it to another short armed fellow who I doubt ever shot it.

Still it had a great stock of wood in it. Was told the original owner who sold it to me called a Remington rep or shooting rep and asked him to pick out the wood for him. If nice he’d take him Rock fishing, (Stripe Bass fishing), on the Chesapeake bay. Hope they caught a boat load because he got a nice blank. Supposed they did. Back then in the late 50’s or 60’s we could catch as many rock fish as you wanted in the Fall.