Originally Posted By: Stan
Here in the part of GA where I was raised owning a A5 was a status symbol. There were a few, but mostly owned by gunners that were at least financially secure. Owning one was on the verge of being ostentatious. It was just the times, and the people. Not a judgement on the gun by any means.

They are still held in high regard by most people here, but you don't see many in the field. Most people now who shoot autoloaders prefer a gas gun or a Benelli. In the dove shooting crowd I run with, probably 80% shoot autoloaders. Maybe another 20% have O/Us, and usually I'm the sole one with a S x S.


I can relate to that. Here in mid Mississippi having an A5 would have been better than having a Purdey because no one would have known what the Purdey was. Now its all plastic cammo guns and Benelli is king.
