Originally Posted By: Shotgunjones
Originally Posted By: Bob Cash
There seems to be a lot going on when an A5 operates. Pogo stick meets washing machine...Ka-Chunk!
What outcomes might there be using the two different settings and this one particular shell.
Would the gun function with either?

The gun will fire with either setting. It likely will not eject and reload with the 'heavy load' configuration.

A 'heavy load' is 1 1/8" high velocity (think duck/phez load).

The magazine tube should NOT be oiled, especially with 30 weight oil. I have no idea where advice like that comes from.

Browning severely chastised Winchester for doing just that to a prototype and then complaining that it didn't work.

That is a friction system.

All that is required on the tube is a very tiny bit of something like Rem Oil for rust prevention.

Well Jones, after just getting off the telephone with customer service at Browning Arms Company, I can tell you where the advice to use 6 or so drops of 30 weight motor oil on the Browning A5 friction sleeve came from.....it came from John Moses Browning himself. Im sure you would think of John Browning as an A5 expert, right?????? Also, the old A5 manuals actually have that recommendation in print. Anyway, I asked if Browning still would recommend usage of 30 weight oil for that purpose and the answer was yes. So, in the final analysis, I think maybe you should be less than tactless in the future when you chastise someone who you disagree with, especially when you dont know all the facts. Owning 5 A5s does not constitute being an expert. I only own 3 and certainly and am no expert v