Originally Posted By: buzz
Ted, Wouldnt a very light oil like RemOil places on the magazine tube, especially with Teflon being present, lend the Auto-5 guns to more recoil than a more viscous oil, or is my thinking wrong on that?

That's easy.

The more friction you take out of the system, the less recoil impulse it takes to drive the action full stroke. Thus, reducing friction allows you use a lighter shell.

The action stops moving rearward at the same place no matter the shell used. Therefore the total energy stored by the spring is always the same.

A heavy shell fired with a low recoil setting will result in a faster action stroke. The reason an automatic has lower perceived recoil is because the action spreads the recoil out over time.

The total recoil is always the same.

"The price of good shotgunnery is constant practice" - Fred Kimble