Originally Posted By: VictoryXC
I think the key point is having the option. The problem is when the generics are a barrier to entrance to the name brand. The same can be said in the area of diagnostic testing.

I guess Im not following you. We do have the options, at least here in the USA we do. As far as diagnostic testing, please explain further. My feeling is...a hospital whether its a for profit or non-profit, purchases that extremely expensive equipment, they pay handsomely the people who are certified to run that equipment, they have every right to charge what they need to provide that service.
I find it amazing that people still denegrate our medical system, but people from other countries, who have what some here consider state of the art state run medical care, still come here in droves when they are dying. I have a hunting partner whos a gastroenterologist here in SLC, many of his Pts are Canadians, even some Europeans.....they can afford him and hes one of the best, and they want to live, not wait in line. I was having a conversation a few years ago with a gun friend who happens to be Canadian, hes extremely wealthy. One day he was talking to me, asking questions about our health care system here in the US, all the while telling me how great Canada was. A year later, his wife was diagnosed with cancer, and guess where she ended up? At one of the finest cancer research and treatment hospitals here in the US. He could afford it, and shes alive because of it.