Thank you Karl! I explained to him that in my youth, it was a pretty special thing to do (1970s) but.... that I suspected his peers in Colorado wouldn't even know what he had accomplished. We were born on two separate centuries (20th and 21st) and much has obviously changed. I also explained to him that there weren't many places left to accomplish such a feat (even where I grew up in Pennsylvania), because of the loss of habitat and low-bird numbers (due to West Nile?). His grandfather was particularly jazzed, even bragging about it to his hunting buddies (all in their 70s, of course). The congratulatory texts has been rolling on all morning here from them (the ones that do technology, of course). I don't know entirely about my son feels about it (he's just not effusive), but I certainly feel blessed to have been part of it. A right-of-passage for a parent as well, I suppose.

Last edited by Lloyd3; 10/18/18 12:54 PM.