As to the Magellan nav thingy, I had a nice Garmin that I used last year- made a huge difference in the enjoyment of my hunt. I have almost no sense of direction, and joke that I can get lost in my own driveway. The Garmin was put in a drawer with the batteries removed, but when taken out to utilize for this year, the screen was mostly blank. I was able to find an older Magellan on Craigslist for 25.00 the night before I left, and was quite pleased with the last minute acquisition. I hunted solo the first day, as James was still traveling. It was warm, so I had on my light weight Beretta shirt with the game bag. At the end of my circuit, when I could see the vehicle in the distance, I took the Magellan out to confirm its operation. I put it in the game bag, and gave it a tap to push it around to rest snug in the center. I lost my footing on a slope, falling forward but protecting the gun. Got up and continued, going only a short distance before checking for the presence of the Magellan in the game bag: gone. It wasn't until we met up with some bow hunters and were taking them to the ridges where we saw deer that I was made to realize that there are aps for the phone that do not require cell service (I have not had any for 8 days). We learned a lot on this trip, and other than maybe a couple more pics, I'll let James continue the thread.

Tolerance: the abolition of absolutes

Consistency is the currency of credibility