Originally Posted By: BrentD
Beautiful photos! I'd love to hunt there someday, wherever in NE that happens to be.



Valentine National Wildlife Refuge and McKelvie National Forest in the Sandhills of North Central Nebraska. Be careful with seasons and species: ducks can only be hunted in certain areas of Valentine, and snipe cannot be hunted on state managed areas. All of Valentine is notox. Lead ok in McKelvie, but of course not for waterfowl.


ps- if my propensity to lose my bearings helps anyone, especially the good info shared by Gil, the ribbing is worth it. Putting the vehicle where you can see it is great, but not always possible in the Sandhills. Perhaps brother Voss, who hunted them for half a century, can tell about the time the fog rolled in there.

Tolerance: the abolition of absolutes

Consistency is the currency of credibility