Originally Posted By: B. Dudley
Dave wont care. He has made that perfectly clear by allowing the environment that this board has fallen into.

In regards to your sale thread, all that section has become is pretty much links to guns for sale on other sites. It is pretty sad.

I just clicked on the 20 most recent For Sale postings in the For Sale section. Only one of those had a link to another gun selling site, and that was for the Beretta DT10 32" that John is now selling. But since he is also posting it here, and presumably will send Dave $10.00 if someone who saw it here buys it, I don't see why B. Dudley is whining and complaining yet again.

I guess it is just in some folk's nature to whine and complain all the time. Hopefully he can entertain himself for the next couple days by calling the cops on kids Trick-or-Treating. We had a couple guys like him in my neighborhood while growing up, and we soaped their windows and corned and toilet papered their houses on a regular basis during Halloween.

B. Dudley will probably use his speed-dial number of 1-800- CRY-BABY to complain to Dave again about my reply. But that complaint number is frequently busy.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.