No one should get lost if the sky is clear so the the sun or stars can be seen. That, however, is certainly not always the case. Fog, rainy, drizzly, or very cloudy and overcast weather can make using the stars or sun impossible. The only time I ever got turned around was in the Savannah River swamp, on a drizzly, foggy day. In those conditions everything in the swamp looks the same. There are almost no landmarks. I was actually following someone else, and he kept going in circles. He couldn't see that, but I did. I knew the lay of the land and knew if we went in a straight line we would eventually come to a road, Smith Lake, the lagoon, or the river. We did. We had no compass, or we would have been back at the truck much earlier.


Last edited by Stan; 10/31/18 08:05 PM.

May God bless America and those who defend her.