You guys gotta be kidding! There are somewhere around 80 contributors on the list. If they each contributed 50 bucks which I doubt we are talking about 4 grand. Subtract the expenses of running this board and it is obvious to me that Dave is providing this forum as a hobby, not a large stream of cash. There is no advertising either that I have noticed so give me a break and grow up. He is not going to spend all his spare time moderating against some immature babble mouths.

Stick to the topic as best you can and stop changing it. If you want to rant about politics then start a thread about that. Don't twist a topic into politics or sports. Make this board unpleasant enough and you will see Dave give up and walk away and close the board and you will have to go to Shooting Sportsman or some other place that does have a moderator.

There are about five people here who change the topic to sports and politics and disappoint the original poster who really wants info about his topic. Be more considerate of the original poster.

It is not Joe. He just interjects a caustic remark here and there and I am happy to see that. It keeps it lively.

So many guns, so little time!