Originally Posted By: DrBob
Stan, You have met me and you are right, I am passionate about double guns. Its ironic that the post that made up my mind to try to do something about the frequent hijacking of topics was Walt Snyder stating that he was through with this forum after Drew Hause's thread about posting photos was hijacked. We cannot afford to lose expertise like his just because some refuse to be civil and respect others rights to have a discussion without being interrupted.

Others have complained to no avail. Dave did take down the Misfires, which I think was a mistake. Everybody should have a right to express their opinions, and even call each other names if that is your want. But not in the middle of somebody else's discussion on an unrelated topic.

The number of financial supporters is dwindling. There were 133 contributors in 2010, 103 last year, and 84 so far this year. When I ask about this forum in conversations at the various shows and meets I attend the subject of interrupted threads and personal attacks always rears its head. Lets not let this forum die simply because a small minority spoiled it for all.

What............. abandoned your boycott already?


May God bless America and those who defend her.