Originally Posted By: Chuck H
Even without moderation, this forum had been the most civil forum I had been on until politics and personal bickering came along.

So just exactly when was this more genteel time when there was no politics or personal bickering?

Here's a political Thread from over 11 years ago where King was posting his anti-2nd Amendment rhetoric and his continued denial of the Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms:


Here's a 2007 personal attack thread:


Here's a 2008 thread accusing a long time member of cheating him out of money on a gun deal that turned sour:


Here's an old thread that resulted in one of Ed Good's suspensions as a result of his threats. This thread contains even more links to several other threads with his trolling and disruptive behavior:


There's plenty more politics, personal bickering, and incivility where that came from.

Maybe the bad memories of the bad old days just fade with time... or maybe some people think they can get away with Fake News if they simply keep repeating a falsehood often enough. If only they could silence people like me who take the time to prove them wrong and expose their bullshit...

The real question is why B. Dudley, BrentD, and a few other thin-skinned whiners don't leave and start their own forum where they can rule and dictate and moderate to their hearts content. It should be wildly successful, according to them. Are they afraid it would fall on its' face???

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.