Originally Posted By: KY Jon
In our family if you dont vote you dont get to [censored] later. Had a cousin who failed to vote a few years back. When we found out we cut him off from arguing about all things political and even sports. Soon as he started sharing his opinions someone would interrupt him and ask him if he had voted yet. Then told him only people who vote get a chance to [censored] about things. If you dont vote you made no effort to change things so why should people who did try to get things changed have to listen to you? You want to complain then do something about it. Voting is the least you can do. I would also like to add paying taxes to the list of things you must do to [censored].

I like this Jon. Feel strongly about this as well....don't vote then shut up.

Wish I could join you all at the polls today. Good luck!

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia