Its not all doom and gloom today. Rhinos got defeated but more conservative Republican candidate dates did very well. Most New Democrats appear the be very young, very liberal, almost socialist. Like many I dont look forwards to seeing Nancy Pelosi every day but her pathway ito leadership is not that clear. Unlike the Republicans, who dont assign chairmanships based on Seniorty and who term limit how long a chair may lead, all of the key chairmanship will go to the longest serving, oldest Democratic members who are mostly in their 70s or greater. When the younger part of the House finds out their pathway to real power is blocked for a decade or more I expect a lot of resentment and more than a little kickback. They are much more liberal, almost socialist to me and I dont think waiting 10-15 years for real power will suit them. Plus a House bill still has to get past the Senate and President.

I just finished a rather interesting evaluation of our last election and why going forwards the Democrats may be able to control only the House as we go forwards, not the Senate. It comes down to population distribution. In 20 years, 15 states will have the majority of the population and those states will be dominated by Democrats. Think California, New York, North East, west Coast type distribution. So that will give the Democrats a good base to elect House members but a very weak base to elect Senators. With congressional apportionment based on population, the Blue states will elect a lot of congressmen but only 30 Senators. And even in California a fe Republicans gets elected in pockets of strong support. To gain control of the Senate they will be forced to win Senate races in predominantly Red states. Thats going to be very difficult to do.

Better yet will be the fact that all Federal judges must be approved by what will be a much more conservative Senate. Change the Federal court system from liberal to conservative dominated, including the Supreme Court and a lot of court mandated changes will be reversed over time.