gee keith, fact is humans are complex could say that we are all skitzo somewhat, depending on our intellect and thought processes...

anyway, thanks for digging up the above posts...i had forgotten how thought provoking they are...too bad you refuse to think with an open mind...

and a way to bring us all together, as a nation, is to recognise that right now, many of us think one way and many of us think another way, and in reality even more of us dont think much at all...least wise not about national unity...then a next step is to engage in respectful dialog with those we disagree with, in an effort to find common ground and solutions to problems, that may require some sacrifice by a few for the greater good of many...

like, recently there was mass murder with firearms done in pa and now in ca...what is your suggestion, if any, to prevent these horrible acts from occurring again, and again and again? or is there really nothing that can be done?

an please, consider starting a separate thread here, so we can all discuss gun rights issues here, without further trashing this fine thread, with our off topic posts...i eagerly await the opportunity to have thoughtful and respectful dialog with you and others here, re this important and timely topic...

Last edited by ed good; 11/08/18 11:18 AM.

keep it simple and keep it safe...