Originally Posted By: Ted Schefelbein
OK, so, within two postings we have gone from they dont think much about what they kill, just wanting to have dinner, to rather shrewd behavior of eliminating competition.

Nice catch Ted... even if it seems a bit "ruthless" to catch Mr. Know-it-all, BrentD contradicting himself once again. But if you keep questioning why BrentD keeps putting his foot in his mouth, he will shoot you, the messenger, and make even more calls for people to boycott and not support this site.

And how about this moment of biological brilliance:

Originally Posted By: BrentD

In entirely different circumstances, about 50% of the death of juvenile prairie dogs in some species and populations is through cannibalism, though they are not always consumed, which brings about a lot of speculation as to the evolutionary cause of it.

Sorry BrentD, but if a member of some species kills a member of its' own species, but doesn't consume them, even partially, then it isn't cannibalism.

But none of this is surprising to me. I've noted in the past that BrentD (and his pal Larry) apparently accepts highly contradictory lethal blood lead levels in eagles in the junk scientific papers he clings to in support of lead ammunition bans. That's why I consider him to be an intellectual... and why I like the classic definition of an intellectual as being someone who is educated above and beyond his intelligence.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.