I did neglect to say that because the barrel dividers are thinner than normal this made the glue foot print along their length rather small, the addition of the false base gives another glued support for the dividers providing much improved rigidity. I have covered the strap anchor bolt threads with tape to keep the Baize adhesive out of the threads when fitting, also the use of a couple of clothes pegs to keep the Baize out of the way really helps the gun was just to add weight while the new base glue dried.

The Taylors chalk lines on the Baize are to provide the correct cut lines for fitting the Baize for the action and accessories side of the barrel dividers, if anyone was wondering what the tooth brush was for in one of the other photographs they are brilliant for removing Taylors chalk marks from Baize. The other pieces of Baize to be fitted are quite straight forward, one piece on the false base others on the accessory base and the short divider.

Just a quick look at things before moving on to the to the action support blocks, what is very clear in this photograph are the finger lifting access points at the muzzles for removing the barrels from the case. Just a couple of things to fit now, Action retaining strap to make and fit case lid Baize and finally print up a Webley & Scott case Label.

The only lessons in my life I truly did learn from where the ones I paid for!