Here's a few things for you to look up Ed.

Pledge Drive to Permanently Ban Ed Good

Pledge Drive to Ban ed good For Good. Part Deux

Anti-Gun Posts by Ed Good

Do you still hold the all-time record for getting suspended from this and other forums Ed? Maybe you should try signing up for DrBob's forum and see how welcome a well known Troll like you would be there. You won't have to worry about me doing any pontificating because I don't go there. But I can't help wondering where DrBob, BrentD, and the other hypocritical whiners were when you and King were breaking the rules Dave imposed when he started his "Preserve the 2nd Amendment Thread: Informational" which was pinned to a place of honor at the top of the subjects list until you and King kept disrupting it?:

Preserve the 2nd Amendment thread - Informational

See Ed... you really aren't totally worthless when you do so much to help me make my case.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.