Originally Posted By: LeFusil
Originally Posted By: BrentD
Originally Posted By: LeFusil
Originally Posted By: BrentD
You are just one of the problems, Le Fuse

You sound like a [censored] on welfare. Im the problem? I pay my way sucka.

Pay Dave.

No, you are the sucker. You pay for a service that is not delivered.

If Dave doesn't want me "freeloading" he is free to toss me off. If he really doesn't like freeloading in general, he can take the entire board private and make it by paid subscription only. That is his decision. Not yours.

I choose not to pay for services that are not rendered. Plain an simple.

And you simply contribute to the problem.

Daves free to toss you off? Youd like that wouldnt you? Fag.

The problem here BrentD is that you continue to use a board that you refuse to donate to and actively encourage others to follow your lead. The actively encouraging others to basically bankrupt a board that you continue to use....Thats wrong. If you dont like it, leave. Just leave. STFU and leave. You offer absolutely nothing here. Nothing at all. Zero gun knowledge. You obviously NEED this board more than the board needs your freeloading ass. Just hit the bricks. Beat it. Be gone with you. And quit asking Dave to toss you off. Its inappropriate.

I simply do not care what you think and I don't take orders from you. I don't know if you quite grasp that yet, but ponder it a bit and you will figure it out.

BrentD, (Professor - just for Stan)

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