Lies??? What lies? There was plenty of time for either you or any of the other F.A.G.s to make a reply to my post, and even more time for them to whine and cry about your disgusting and filthy post directed toward jOe. I noted their silence. I told everyone to just look at their disingenuous non-response. But there was nothing. I was simply loving their silent cricket-chirping and non-response. It proved everything I have been saying about them and their dishonest hypocritical behavior here.

So why would I even think to ask Dave to lock that thread? That makes no sense, except to an idiot like you. I don't need to come to jOe's rescue because jOe has proven time and time again that he doesn't need any rescuing from a transgender coward like you. jOe has his share of detractors here. Show us where I ever got in the middle of any of it or asked Dave to step in to rescue him. But on the other hand, I can certainly show everyone where King stepped in to rescue you and ask that I forgive you when you were peeing your pants in fear after posting filthy comments about my daughters. You still wouldn't be caught dead in the same area code as me to say those things to my face, would you Nancy Boy? I wish Dave would unlock it just to show even further the level of selective civility we have here. I've pointed the same out before. But as I already said, you are too stupid to grasp the obvious.

You are also too stupid to grasp your own desire to have things both ways. You, and Libtards like King hate being painted into your obvious anti-gun corner based upon your blind unwavering support for known and proven anti-gunners. But you have all accused Conservatives as being racist, greedy, misogynist haters who wish to deny health insurance to poor people... all based upon our choice of Pro-2nd Amendment Conservative politicians who actually work to improve the economy, renegotiate idiotic trade agreements, and national security. You Libtards have whined and cried about how greedy Republicans are going to steal Social Security and give your money to the wealthy, but that was all a lie, and it is Republicans who return your tax money to you with Tax Cuts that your anti-gun Democrats all vote against. None of you can be honest about which Party supported women's Right to Vote or Civil Rights. The Republicans aren't chipping away at your gun rights or the Constitution, but you continue to support the Liberal Left Democrat anti-gunners who do.

It isn't all about Gay marriage or the rights of transgenders to use ladies restrooms Nancy Boy. Your gay bath-house is built upon a foundation of silly putty. And your support for semi-auto bans and other anti-gun legislation is as apparent as your cowardice and low I.Q.

And how about those other questions you continue to run away from Nancy Boy?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.