I guess it goes both ways!

Nancyboy, you should read more. I know that is a tall order for you, but you really need to expand your horizons. Should you decide to engage in this beneficial activity you will come across a genre in literature known as "Greek Tragedy". Don't get too excited, it isn't a sex book for you and rockymtnbill to enjoy, but rather a type of tragedy that revolves around a character, whom is incapable of seeing and addressing their own very obvious faults. Usually, their inability to realize their own shortcomings leads to their demise, in one way or another. If you learn from this you may be able to see how it applies to you, as you are incapable of seeing that you are not well regarded because you are nothing more then a thug bully and people like to see these types get what they deserve. As I already explained to you in my thread in honor of George HW Bush, it is because no one likes you that no one stops me from going off topic to dole out some abuse to you. Rather, you blindly think you are proving some point about their hypocrisy. Again, just plain blind (by obvious stupidity) to see your own shortcoming as shown by your clear error in judgment in that thread by painting yourself in a corner supporting anti 2nd amendment rhetoric.