Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
The assumption by our self-appointed site bully that any member here would fail to pay Dave for a sale is absurd. He really needs to get a life. There doesn't seem to be anything going on for him. To spend the time he does running other people down is clear evidence of a sad existence.

Did I shame you into paying up Billy? Good! Now maybe you could get your Liberal pals SDH-MT and SKB to do the same, and to sell your goods and services in the correct forum. But I doubt we'll see that happen.

You seem to have a problem with people who run Libtards and liars down, but somehow you seem to exempt yourself and the goodly amount of time you spend here running down me, other Conservatives, and most especially pro-2nd Amendment Republicans such as our great pro-gun President Donald Trump. You do remember all those anti Judge Brett Kavanaugh posts you made recently? And how about this Thread you took the time to start:

One of Liberal Billy's Republican bashing threads

And who could forget the flat-out lies you ran away from when you claimed that George Bush falsified intelligence to get us to attack Iraq, or cut funding for teacher training when he signed "No Child Left Behind". Sadly, that legislation left the sick little pervert nca225 very far behind.

This isn't some retribution for me moving your Liberal anti-gun Democrat political posts into the Classic Rifle forum, is it?

To attempt to cover your staunch support for anti-gunners, and your disdain for pro-gunners with lies and innuendo is evidence of a sad existence Billy. Did you happen to teach Nancy Boy nca225 how to do it?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.