I was going through my double gun transaction files the other evening and I found a file on a A.H. Fox Sterlingworth 12 ga. that I purchased from a gentleman from Oregon several years ago. Possibly a decade. I don’t recall if he listed the gun on this forum or elsewhere, but I was impressed but too unappreciative at the time, that he was also a gifted fine gun case maker as a “hobbiest” as he referred to himself in a hand written greeting card. He is/was an M.D. by the name Watzke. Perhaps he’s a member of the forum that goes by a handle but I doubt it from his included old-school correspondence. In that card, he explained that he had been making cases for just six years or so but had made 75 cases! Enclosed were photos of beautiful oak & leather trunk cases and he obviously had skill. I have the photos.

Wondering if any of you had crossed paths with him and have one of his cases? His note indicated that he advertised his work on “the double gun list” which I assumed at the time was the host site that this bbs is run from but don’t find him there today. Any how, I still have the Sterlingworth and a Callahan letter that he included which of course had the stock dimensions (drops) all wrong..

Dr. Watzke, if you are reading this, I hope you are well and still enjoying your doubles and building those fine trunk cases.
Best, jmc