I own LOM, fitted hard cases, and full length soft cases. I find myself using the soft cases. If Im alone, it speeds thing up a bit, allowing me to move on quicker, and get the dog, or, lately, the kid, pointed the right direction. There is probably a sandwich and a cup of coffee calling my name as well. Distractions on the way to that are best kept to a minimum.
Nobody I hunt with uses a double, or, a case that costs more than $25. Invariably, one of their clown dogs is in the road, or, humping something, or, starting a fight with some other dog, or some other nonsense.
Faster isnt best, but, sometimes, it helps.
I address gun cleaning at the bench.
I passed on a beautiful 28 LOM in burgundy leather, at the last show, for $85 as I couldnt see myself using it anymore than the Heiser 30 LOM I already own.
