Originally Posted By: keith
Not relevant??? Hardly. This thread's OP was concerned with getting a restocking job done on a strict budget. Right away, people replied about the current high costs of restocking, which in many cases, will exceed the value of the gun in question. I noted that there are alternative ways of reducing those costs. I was the General Contractor when I built my house, and did much of the work myself. But when someone sees my fireplace, I don't act like I did the stone work.

I also don't get where you think jOe has become somehow emboldened because "he thinks I have his back." You seem to be letting your feud with jOe get the best of you. I don't see where anything has changed with jOe at all. He is no more or no less bold because of me. jOe is jOe, and Ted is Ted. I agree with both of them on most things, especially their respect for our gun rights, and their disdain for those who undermine those rights. Neither one needs me to have their back or prop them up. They do just fine without me. I would be disappointed if either one of them left us.

You criticized me by saying I don't want SKB to post here, but you know that I have never said such a thing. I actually like it when closet Liberals and FUDD's reveal how they stab us in the back. I was quite disappointed when an entire thread was deleted a couple days ago, but was fortunate to save some juicy QUOTES before it all went away. You know who the people are here who are always working to get Dave to censor those they hate, and it sure isn't me. You should spend a little time directing some of that criticism toward them. I could just as easily say that you apparently don't want jOe to post here, but I won't because you probably just need to think about what you're saying before you post it.

EDIT: For some reason, I thought you had found and purchased a second of those guns that you bought strictly because of the name. I apologize for still being right about the point I made! I don't scour the European gun market or consider doing that, and going through all of the rigamarole associated with international gun buying the same as going to a local gun show.

Keith, I make no bones about it. I do wish jOe would take his particular brand of Gladys Kravitzing somewhere else. I have no feud with him. I just think he's a negative busy body who adds nothing, I repeat nothing, to this forum. He says stupid, negative things regularity and on occasion, I take him to task for it. Like the post he did in this thread.

However, I have no wish to see him banned nor do I complain in any way but directly on line in these public discussions.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia