jOe, have you heard that rudeness and nastiness is responsible for driving good people away from this site? Sure you have... from BrentD and his pals. It also gives BrentD an excuse to trash Dave and advise folks to not support this forum too.

Here's a perfect example of that sort of disgusting behavior:

Originally Posted By: BrentD
And what does TB and Dioxin have to do with lead shot? Are you having trouble connecting the dots today Lowell? Can't stay between the lines? Come on Lowell, certainly you can do better than that. Let's see what you know about lead shot poisoning.

Don't fall out of your armchair - or is that a highchair....

What an idiot.
post #45476

Lot's more nasty from BrentD in this thread, because BrentD doesn't take kindly to anyone who questions his support for lead ammo bans:

Lead Shot Increasingly Under Fire

Ever hear about the pot calling the kettle black jOe? But when you catch a Libtard like BrentD being nothing but a petty lying hypocrite, that makes you the bad guy. Fake Ass Gentlemen rules of conduct, don'tcha know?

You won't hear a peep from BrentD's Libtard pals either. That's how they roll.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.