Originally Posted By: Craig W
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
You're gunsmith is a wack job.

How often you project. I truly feel sorry for you, but I am unqualified to help. I do suggest however you seek professional help, and I mean that in the kindest way possible.
Your conduct on this discussion board is an absurdity and it diminishes it in so many ways. It's as if you are here to intentionally destroy this community, and I wonder at the anger and unhappiness inside you.

My happiness level is just fine. Thanks for your concern.

It appears to me that you are projecting a little anger in your reply to me.

Don't fret it none bud I'd be angry too if I paid good money for that ugly azz wall hanger.

Anyone that can not look at the photos of the gun in-question and determine it's not worth fixing either needs to get their eyes or head examined....

Maybe both...

In the mean time...

Try and remain calm, go lie on the couch or lean back in your chair...relax...take several deep breaths close your eyes and prO'ject on what I just said. cool

Then get back with me in two weeks.