After having more time to consider this contraption I believe there is no way it could function, as a true aperture sight does, to sharpen focus and extend field. The hole in it is simply too big, and the device is too far from the eye. It would never do anything to help aging eyes focus on anything useful to a shotgunner.

For an aperture sight to work it's "magic" the aperture itself has to be much smaller than that, and nearer the eye. I, like Miller, have screwed the "peep" disc out and used the threaded hole for an aperture in low light, but when you do that you lose much of the clarification that you get with a small aperture and good light. You gain the ability to use it in low light, but it is a trade-off. That clarification is the "magic" I am referring to.


May God bless America and those who defend her.