Stan- I might be tempted, but first, I have to know who is writing those future pages in history. How much were you thinking about wagering, FWIW?

Our great Country has survived, in spite of having endured the likes of: Warren Harding, Herbert Hoover, Tricky Dick Nixon, Slick Willie Clinton, and Obama.

My biggest concern, at present point in time, is Trump's stubborn belief that a wall or similar permanent barricade along the border States to Mexico will solve problems of drugs and illegals seeking refuge in the USA.

Let me say that I do NOT live in that area of the Country- all I know about walls is from History, and to some extent, from George Patton Jr. He said: "fixed fortifications are monuments to man's stupidity"-

You can tunnel under one, fly over one, or with shape charges, blow a hole in one. El Chapo slipped out of the jail cell and booked out through an underground tunnel--

Trump is wrong in his statement about 90% of the illegal drugs coming into America from Mexico-- Miami FL seems to be the "key to that highway" from what I surmise--

We have a influx of Mexican migrants in our rural areas, due to the many apple orchards, and as I know all the farms with orchards nearby, and am somewhat fluent in Spanish- so I when they offer me some "Acapulco Gold" I reply-- "Mil gracias, pero quizas un Modelo, muy frio, otra vez."' El Zorro

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..