Where's your proof of what you posted about President Trump's statement about Mexico paying for the Wall little dla (sic)?

Put up or shut up. You lied to us, and now you wish to run away from your lie. You keep harping on Trump and calling him a liar. But it appears that you are the one who is telling lies here.

Originally Posted By: dal
Talk about being a liar. trump now says...on tape...to the masses...that he never said Mexico would pay for the wall. Now he is going to lie about a national crisis. Seriously. I had high hopes for trump, and glad anyone but Hillary won...but come on. What a disaster of a president.

That's not what he said little dla (sic). And being invaded by tens of thousands of illegals every month certainly is a National crisis. A crisis that has been ignored to the point that upwards of 10% of our population is here illegally.

And perhaps you can also show us where I show any disregard for the rest of the Constitution. I know you think that worshiping anti-gunners is a good thing, but I do cherish my gun rights... unlike a bunch of FUDD's who work to help the Democrats take them away.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.