Originally Posted By: canvasback
Originally Posted By: Ted Schefelbein
Maybe you should have offered to buy it off him?

I actually prefer to travel with a single gun. Usually a double trigger double, most often a Darne. Anything can break, I get that, but, no disappointments to report, yet.


Maybe I'll change but if I'm away hunting and it involves at least one overnight....then 3 guns is the minimum. Usually one 12, one 16 and one old dependable no matter the conditions.

Mostly just because I still think it's fun. laugh

Fun until you realize there are methheads targeting vehicles and housing where hunters stay in the counties in MN I hunt in.

Leaving single trigger/ejector doubles at home likely makes Murphy turn in his grave. Darne ejectors are reliable as hammers. No issue there.

If I had a gun act up, there has always been a Mom and Pop gunshop to buy/beg/borrow or, rent a gun from. The places I hunt arent that far from civilization, but, civilizations tend to run smaller in those areas.

A good thing.

They could use the business. I eliminate the hassles of more guns, more ammunition, and more kludge on a given trip.

Works for me.
