Hi bobski,

Since you are one of the wannabe Moderators here who would like to decide who and what belongs here... I think it would be appropriate to ask a couple questions about this advertisement for your shoot.

Is this event benefiting you and your Clay Pigeon Farm personally, or are the proceeds going to some good cause such as DoubleGunShop.com, the NRA, or perhaps some worthy charity like St. Judes Children's Hospital, Committee to Re-Elect President Donald Trump,... or maybe even a Border Wall on the Mexican Border! smile

If this shoot is simply benefiting you financially, do you really consider it appropriate to advertise your event here? Or, as a wannabe Moderator, would you think it is somewhat off-topic, and belongs in the For Sale section, subject to donating some of the proceeds to this website?

I am gaining nothing financially from making this inquiry, and no small animals were harmed during this inquiry either. I'm just curious how a wannabe site Moderator views this sort of advertising and apparent self-promotion.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.