Those of you that want to talk bad about someone putting on a shoot to make money don't realize that Bobski does not make much money on his twice a yer shoots. After his expenses he probably is losing money. He puts on his shoots to bring people together to have fun shooting and to introduce new shooters to the sport.

Bobski works well with the young shooters that come out to shoot and they have fun and then come back next time. Bringing more people in to the sport is more important than putting on big money shoots for wise guys that want to complain about everything that you do.
The majority of us come back for the next shoot to visit with friends that we have made here in addition to the shooting. The pot luck lunch that we do on Saturday is like a regular family reunion that we look forward to and some people are even requested to bring the same recipes next time because it was popular with everybody. You won't find a good time like that at the big shoots.
