Originally Posted By: Stan
Originally Posted By: halk
Stan yes and I do. The more I snip off the poorer they hide me and my dog and boat. And of course pushing the boat in concentrates the stems along the gunnels.

And, I thought I hunted in some bad stuff. But, if there's any way possible I get out of the boat, hide it a ways off, and slip back to the hole in waders. Can't always, I know how it is.

Can't say I ever shot behind one because I was pushing brush out of the way with my barrels, tho'. Hang in there, halk.


Stan, I suspect halk hunts waterfowl in similar conditions and temps as I do. You arent standing in waders in water for very long when there is ice forming where the reeds meet the water. If you cant find something to stand on, you have to use the boat.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia