Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
The straight English stock would work fine on pigeons...only during sex will a couple inches make a difference Stan.

It's as nice a gun as the Rielly you got all bent out of shape over.

I'd agree with the earlier price assessment...No crAcker barrel or tOe'mato stake here.

Wake up George.

I've shot pigeons enough to know what I want. And I don't shoot heavy loads in a straight grip gun well. I can manage the recoil from 1 1/4 loads much better with a pistol grip. Getting on the bird with that second shot without wasting a split second to reposition your hand is crucial. Pistol grips make that much easier.

You can help yourself to the straight grip pigeon guns. And, for the umpteenth time, I don't want another 30" barreled hammergun.


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