Originally Posted By: canvasback
As I have pointed out before, Keith's defense of your obnoxiousness has emboldened you to pollute every thread possible with your drivel.

James, this is a steaming load of crap, and you know it. JOe is no different now than he was when I first entered this forum. He has always been somewhat gruff and abrupt, and takes no prisoners. It is who he is, and unlike a lot of seriously obnoxious guys here, he does not tell us repeated lies or work to undermine our gun rights. Nor is he a fake, plastic fraud who operates under a veil of fake civility. jOe has been critical of me, and I have been critical of him. But he has never stooped so low as to lie about me or drag my family into any fray, unlike a couple guys you feel are worthy of continued consideration.

If you really want to shine a light on obnoxious people, you could certainly do better. Why do you target jOe, who actually contributes both money and double shotgun knowledge to this site, instead of going after a useless POS like BrentD? BrentD has stated his intent to continue his call to bankrupt this forum, while engaging in the same behavior that he claims as the basis for his boycott? He is obviously mentally sick.

Stop bringing me into your hard-on for jOe. It is wrong, and you could easily choose a more worthy target. There is no shortage of Trolls, fakes, frauds, FUDD's, or anti-gun liars here.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.