Originally Posted By: Stan
I was visiting with my neighbor this morning, who releases 64 coveys of 25 birds each in August. He said he hunted yesterday and only found 5 coveys, and they only killed 3 birds. Does that sound like put and take hunting? I don't think so. Released does not necessarily a dead bird make.


Stan, that sounds about right to me. A couple of my business partners and I leased Tallokas Plantation in Brooks County,GA for a few years back in the '70's. Perfect plantation style cover.

We released sixteen week old birds in 25bird coveys in August every year. We made a point of not shooting them down, relying on wild birds instead. Whether we overshot the released birds or not they were pretty much gone by the end of February.

I think that was natural mortality rather than shooting. We decided the early released bird practice wasn't worth the cost, but that's just my (limited) experience...Geo