JayCee, I've done it a number of times, selling guns into the US. Now, I am primarily looking at vintage SxS and other categories may be different. Here's what you need to remember.

The Canadian dollar is quite low right now so that means American dollars go a lot further in the acquisition dept. It's worse than a 1.3 FX right now so that means every $1000 of US is worth more than $1300 Canadian. Secondly, our market is typically lower than the US market. Used guns are cheaper here, even after exchange. So often, it only takes a well priced gun in the $1000 range to make the border crossing fees palatable. As soon as you get up around a $2K gun, if you find what you want, odds are it will be cheaper to import than buy in the US. YMMV.

I have used Borderview numerous times. They are thorough, do a careful and small engraving (US law requirement) and as fast as anyone, which is to say, not fast. LOL

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia