Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: LeFusil
The dreaded field assembly and breakdown you say...all 15 to 30 seconds of it? Ha.

LOM cases are only a hinderance to folks who like to drive around and jump out of the truck and shoot birds, in states where transporting a gun uncased is illegal. :-)

Like was said earlier if you hunt several spots in one day take down cases are a pain in the arse.

Plus I don't shoot my guns dry and I also don't care for dust or lint on the working parts of my action.

I don't even care for take down cases going to the range....I got a brand new top of the line 34" Americase I bought and have used one time....'get gun out of the safe take gun apart get to the gun club take gun out of case lube and put back together....it never ends it's just one continuous never ending line of unnecessary bull.

But If you are a fair weather hunter then take down LOM cases are great and the kOOl factor is just immense...

"Billy bOb wood you have a look see at that feller...Wonder what air lOOm he got stuffed off in the weird looking case....Billy bOb you think itz one of them tomson sheen guns...

Fred it might be a violin and he's going to play for us.

Gezzzz Billy bOb I can sure tell he means business...".

Myself I could give a damn what Billy bOb or Fred thinks.

If it's raining or snowing and you and your gun are wet I'd rather have a zippered case I can get my gun in quickly and that I can also dry out pretty quick back at the hotel room.

I guess you could carry one of them small puppy tents around with you to cover you and your gun and your kOol gun case while you're packing up.

As one get's older the kOOl factor plays less and less a factor in most peoples lives.

Unless of course you never had a Harley Davidson before you were 30....

Then Katy bar the door.

We all know the 50 or 60 year old guy with his first Harley right ?

He's looking kOOl on that Harley with his pockets full of Viagra....kinda tempting.

Not the first time I've had to eat crOw...ran up on a Bianchi leg O mutton case and I'm a sucker for Bianchi gun leather.