Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Keith, your lack of basic logic is telling. I didn't say it was either you or me. I asked Dave to choose. He declined. I'm here to harass you 'til you die. You think you own this site. I say you're delusional, like your president.

That is a lie Billy. I knew the thread police would not like the idea that your latest attempt to ban or censor me wasn't going well, and they would whine to Dave to have the thread deleted. So I saved it before it went away.

Here are your exact unedited words Billy:

Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Every poster here is potentially subject to personal attack from Keith or jOe. Many of our best contributors have left because they can't abide the climate these two create. I'm asking you to choose: ban me or these two. If I'm the one o go, I'll have no hard feelings. My ego is not on the line here, but I'm no longer wiling to be involved with these two. You decide. Thank you.
Bill Ferguson

When you stated you are no longer willing to be involved with jOe and I, you misspelled "wiling". You knew Dave wasn't going to make the silly choice you wanted him to make. This was just more of your whining, crying, and lying. You can try to harass me until I die, but you are much older than me and you are the one who has high blood pressure.

I hardly think I own this site Billy. I'm the one who keeps saying Dave runs the show here, and it is guys like you and BrentD who try to force him to do your bidding. And you say Trump is delusional??? Sucks getting caught in yet another lie, huh Billy? But that is SOP for you Liberals. The ends justify the means.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.