If it ain't broke don't fix it means don't attempt to alter or improve something that is already working reasonably well. The idea is that often, the more something is fiddled with, the more likely it is that something will go wrong.
Stan, I have spent my whole working career servicing products from Coal Mines to Nuclear power stations with a number of Car Manufacturing Plants thrown in and not to mention numerous Chemical manufacturing plants to name drop but a few, over the last fifty plus years.
As you can see from the definition above it has nothing to do with preventative maintenance on which you seemed to have misused my statement “If it aint Broke don’t fix it” intentionally to fit your argument.
One of the largest disasters was caused by fiddling with something that was working fine until interfered with under the guise of improving and testing was the Nuclear reactor at Chernobyl.
Stan Have I missed something here you asked the question then argued with the answer. Here is another Saying for you to ponder over. “Please do not ask for my advice then have the nerve to tell me I am wrong”
I think we will have to agree to differ.

The only lessons in my life I truly did learn from where the ones I paid for!